Optimizing hormone function can really help you feel better. You have probably heard of the thyroid, adrenal and pancreatic hormones. Interestingly all three of these have a close relationship with one another. Then there are the sex steroids. For women the main players are estrogen and progesterone. For men there is primarily testosterone. There is, however, a cross over of these hormones. Testosterone can be an important player for women and estrogen for men.
Evaluating and then balancing these hormones is something I do every day. It can make all the difference in how you feel mood wise and energy wise. Afternoon tiredness, and morning fatigue can clear up. Sleep can be restorative. Weight can be lost and exercise endurance can be improved. Sometimes subtle additions such as iodine or liothyronine (T3) can make all the difference.
I often begin at looking at adrenal (cortisol and dhea) and thyroid function. They are the primary drivers in your energy level (and mitochondrial function). The adrenals and the thyroid work together to help you jump over the hurtles of life. Sleep, of course, is huge. The adrenals can affect sleep profoundly, as does the nervous system. The thyroid effects the basal metabolic rate or the RPM’s of cellular metabolism. Adequate iodine and iron levels play an essential role in thyroid function.
Women can begin having imbalances in the sex steroid levels in the 40’s and 50’s. This can affect their menstrual cycles and their sleep. These hormones can easily be measured and balanced. Here liver metabolism is important because the liver breaks down these hormones thereby influencing their levels. Men’s hormones can also get suboptimal during these years especially testosterone and the adrenal hormones. Testosterone effects men’s mood, muscles, endurance, and sexual function to name a few.
Blood sugar control is crucial. Are you hyperglycemic? Are your insulin levels elevated? Are you prediabetic? Cortisol levels play an integral role in blood sugar metabolism. The liver is also a key player here. Normalizing blood glucose is crucial to avoid weight gain and organ (liver and kidney) damage.
If you have read this far you can begin to get a sense of the intimate relationship of these various endocrine organs with one another. They do not exist in isolation from one another. Fortunately evaluating the hormonal function of the various endocrine organs can be easily assessed using blood serum and saliva testing.
Call Dr. Knorr @ 801-474-3684 for a complimentary consultation. Schedule with Rosie!
Evaluating and then balancing these hormones is something I do every day. It can make all the difference in how you feel mood wise and energy wise. Afternoon tiredness, and morning fatigue can clear up. Sleep can be restorative. Weight can be lost and exercise endurance can be improved. Sometimes subtle additions such as iodine or liothyronine (T3) can make all the difference.
I often begin at looking at adrenal (cortisol and dhea) and thyroid function. They are the primary drivers in your energy level (and mitochondrial function). The adrenals and the thyroid work together to help you jump over the hurtles of life. Sleep, of course, is huge. The adrenals can affect sleep profoundly, as does the nervous system. The thyroid effects the basal metabolic rate or the RPM’s of cellular metabolism. Adequate iodine and iron levels play an essential role in thyroid function.
Women can begin having imbalances in the sex steroid levels in the 40’s and 50’s. This can affect their menstrual cycles and their sleep. These hormones can easily be measured and balanced. Here liver metabolism is important because the liver breaks down these hormones thereby influencing their levels. Men’s hormones can also get suboptimal during these years especially testosterone and the adrenal hormones. Testosterone effects men’s mood, muscles, endurance, and sexual function to name a few.
Blood sugar control is crucial. Are you hyperglycemic? Are your insulin levels elevated? Are you prediabetic? Cortisol levels play an integral role in blood sugar metabolism. The liver is also a key player here. Normalizing blood glucose is crucial to avoid weight gain and organ (liver and kidney) damage.
If you have read this far you can begin to get a sense of the intimate relationship of these various endocrine organs with one another. They do not exist in isolation from one another. Fortunately evaluating the hormonal function of the various endocrine organs can be easily assessed using blood serum and saliva testing.
Call Dr. Knorr @ 801-474-3684 for a complimentary consultation. Schedule with Rosie!